The Guitar That Doesn’t Exist

Guitar That Doesn’t Exist

A little while back I had an idea for a new Telecaster but it didn’t take too long before I realised that what I wanted just didn’t exist.It was pretty fortunate then that our long time guitar tech, being a superstar as always, told me he knew a guy and that this guy could probably create the guitar I’d imagined.

It was true, and he did.

It really is the most beautiful guitar I’ve ever seen, held or played. When i first took it home I spent an unhealthy amount of time just sitting crosslegged in front of it, giving it the eye, as you do. Months later I can still be found standing in the middle of whichever room it happens to be in giving it just one last adoring look before I go and stick the kettle on.

So I just wanted to thank Michael Eastwood of Brian Eastwood Guitars for building the “Guitar That Didn’t Exist” for me, to my eyes it really is a thing of exquisite beauty

Here’s to you Michael

Love Jon x

Ps not long after I received this guitar it was rumoured in my house that I might have had an idea for another Guitar That Doesn’t Exist.